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In 2015, Kiwanis commemorates 100 years of service. Join the party!
1. Remember our history
2. Plan anniversary-themed events
3. Create your own celebration
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There’s plenty to celebrate, both locally and internationally.
In 1916, a year after its founding, Kiwanis
boasted only 3 clubs and roughly 500 members.
Today there are some 600,000 members in
our Kiwanis family, with clubs in 80 nations.
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Our growing global impact
Kiwanians annually stage roughly150,000 service projects, raiseapproximately $100 million andcontribute more than 6 million servicehours.
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Join the worldwide celebration!
1.Rose Parade float
2.Centennial Tour
3.Detroit anniversary celebration
4.Kiwanis International convention
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The festivities begin 
with the Rose Parade float
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The Kiwanis Centennial Tour 
travels the world
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The party continues where it all began: Detroit, Michigan
1915 Founded 1915 Plaque.JPEG.jpg
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The festivities conclude at the Kiwanis International convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
Sports - Indianapolis 500 - 2012.JPEG.jpg
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Now is a great time to highlight 
your own club’s contributions to Kiwanis
Recognition and Rewards
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And what better time to lay the foundation for Kiwanis’ next century?
Kiwanis Kids
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Develop anniversary-themed events
Consider a project that ties in with the
number 100. Or perhaps a “platinum”
project, because platinum is the 100th
Anniversary metal.
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Create a centennial playground
Design Option 3 (1).jpg
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Develop a service project 
with truly lasting impact
Flexible Membership Options
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Remember The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis’ anniversary gift to the world
Mother and Child
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Turbo charge your 100th anniversary fundraising efforts to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus
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Let the world know what’s happening.
Creating Public Awareness
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Keep up with the latest by visiting the Kiwanis 100th anniversary website

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Celebrate, then prepare for the next 100 years!